Education – EURA



#23 Education

In Portugal municipalities are responsible for school infrastructures and staff, whereas teachers are provided by the Ministry of Education. In face of the Covid-19 pandemic, a state of emergency was declared on March 18th, 2020. Schools and universities were closed, and online teaching was enforced, as well as a state program for TV-schooling. It went on for the remaining of the school year, except for the last two grades of high school, whose students returned to sc...
Beth Miller Photo for Post

#36 Inequalities in education

In this conversation I contend that amongst the clamour for schools to ‘return to normal’ teaching professionals need to step back, reflect on their Covid-19 experience, and use it as a springboard for creating schools for the twenty-first century. While researching teacher attrition and resilience, which coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic, I was able to hear from the chalkface of serving educational profes...