EURA News – Page 4 – EURA



Here you may find the latest news from the EURA community. EURA members are eligible to use this space to share their research products and our institutional partners may advertise events and job offers as well. If you wish to be kept updated, consider subscribing to our newsletter mailing list using the EURA mailing list form (on your left) or by sending us a message!


2024 ICUA – Deadline approaching! -15 days

EURA/UAA/ENHR 2024 International Joint Conference on Urban Affairs! Call for participation is open until October 1, 2023. Don't miss out! This is a strict deadline while the organising committee won't accept late submissions. Hope to see you in New York! More details can be found on the conference website.

CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars – Call for Applications 2024/26

The 2024 International Conference on Urban Affairs is sponsored by the Urban Affairs Association in collaboration with the European Network for Housing Regeneration and the European Urban Research Association. The call [...]

2024 ICUA – Deadline reminder

Before your summer break, remember that the call for participation is open until October 1, 2023. This is a strict deadline while the organising committee won't accept late submissions. The 2024 International Conference on Urban Affairs is sponsored by UAA in collaboration with ENHR and EURA. Hope to see you in New York! More details can be found on the conference website.

AAPA 2023 Annual Conference – Call for Papers

The Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) - EURA partner-, and Meiji University, Tokyo, in collaboration with the Japan Society for Public Administration (JSPA), and The Sakurada Foundation, will host the AAPA Annual conference. It will be held at Meiji University on the Main Campus (Surugadai Campus in Tokyo, Japan, from December 16 (Saturday) to 17 (Sunday), 2023. The Call for Papers is now Open!

EURA Conversations Summer Break ’23

EURA Conversations is now taking a summer break. Since last September nine authors from the following countries have made contributions to the series. And scholars from a variety of countries have added their comments on these posts. From the role of EURA conferences in providing an important platform for international exchange between scholars, decision-makers and practitioners working in cities, to the changes taking place in different urban contexts around the world, we invite you to take a dip into recent EURA blog posts. Looking ahead we will be back in September with new authors covering more urban studies topics that we think will interest you. We are always on the look out for new contributors!


UEF5 and WPC59 Joint Congress

The Urban Economy Forum and ISOCARP are delighted to share the joint 5th Urban Economy Forum + 59th ISOCARP World Planning Congress Welcome video. Together with our prestigious Congress Steering Committee Co-Chairs, General Co-Rapporteurs and Congress Directors we greet our global community of urban and regional planners and invite you to join us this 10-13 October in Toronto to explore and discuss opportunities to support Climate-responsive Planning for Equitable Places & Communities.

Urban Research & Practice – Volume 16, Issue 3

Second 2023 issue of the EURA journal Urban Research & Practice has just been published. Now available Volume 16, Issue 3, August 2023. Read more and browse the EURA journal! Consider publishing with us by submitting an article! Visit Taylor & Francis Online.

2024 ICUA – Call for Participation

The 2024 International Conference on Urban Affairs is sponsored by the Urban Affairs Association in collaboration with the European Network for Housing Regeneration and the European Urban Research Association. The call for participation is open until October 1, 2023. See you in New York from the 24 to the 27 April! More details can be found on the conference dedicated website.

EURA 2023 – Acknowledgment

EURA would like to thank the University of Iceland and the Reykjavík City for organising and sponsoring the annual EURA conference. Special thanks goes to the Chair of the conference Prof. Eva Marín Hlynsdóttir, the organizing committee and the whole Reykavík team. Our special word of gratitude goes to the two key note speakers, to all staff involved in the organisation of the Mobile Workshops, as well as all panelists, track chairs and discussants.
Winner of the EURA 2023 Emerging Scholar Award during the ceremony

EURA 2023 – Emerging Scholar Award

The paper titled "Assessing Children’s Perception of Public Space Adjacent to Schools in Lombardy, Italy" by Dafni Riga & Federica Bianchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) won the EURA 2023 Emerging Scholar Award. Congratulations once again to the winners and Thank you to all PhD and emerging Researchers who submitted papers.


EURA 2023 – Best Paper Award

The paper titled "The Effect of Tourism Activity on Housing Affordability" by Josip Mikulić, Maruška Vizek, Nebojša Stojčić, James E. Payne, Anita Čeh Časni & Tajana Barbić, won the EURA 2023 Best Conference Paper Award. Congratulations once again to the winners and Thank you to those who submitted papers.


EURA 2023 – A glance at the event

EURA 2023, a glance at the event in the words of the event chair Eva Marín Hlynsdóttir. With less than a month to go before the start of EURA annual conference, we invite you to read the EURA Conversation blogpost dedicated to the event.