EURA News – Page 9 – EURA



Here you may find the latest news from the EURA community. EURA members are eligible to use this space to share their research products and our institutional partners may advertise events and job offers as well. If you wish to be kept updated, consider subscribing to our newsletter mailing list using the EURA mailing list form (on your left) or by sending us a message!

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REAL CORP 2022 – Call for papers

REAL CORP 2022 addresses the links between society's innovative achievements and the confronting demands of our environment, cities and settlements. In order to achieve acceptable sustainable development, spatial planning and related disciplines need to carefully address current trends and influence them with appropriate governance mechanisms to maintain and improve the quality of life, but also to decisively address the concerns of our ecosystem. [...]
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EIZH regio-news – Issue 19/2022

New edition of the publication Regio-news brings an analysis of regional GDP per capita in 2019 and an analysis of the 2021 census in Croatian counties. The section "Selected projects" presents BLUEMED, a project that won the prize for the best EU county project in 2021 in the category "Contribution to science and innovation" [...]
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IFHP Summer School 2022 – Call for applications

This is a call for applications to the 26th IFHP Urban Planning and Design Summer School – Rethinking Urban Change. The course will be held 15–26 August 2022 in Helsinki and Hämeenlinna, Finland. We welcome applications from students completing their bachelor’s, master’s and post-graduate studies as well as from young professionals in all disciplines related to spatial planning. [...]
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2022 UAA Conference – 50th Annual Conference

The Urban Affairs Association (UAA) invites you to attend its 2022 conference in Washington, DC. The Opening Plenary will address the theme, "The State of Urban Affairs and the State of Urban Affairs Research." [...]
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EURA 2022 – Deadlines extended

EURA 2022 deadline extension! Panels proposals submission deadline 7 March and abstract submission deadline 10 March 2022.
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Statement (28/02/2022)

Statement: As a network aiming at promoting exchange of knowledge between urban scholars from a wide research community, we feel that the European Urban Research Association has a responsibility in standing for values of collaboration, mutual respect, abiding by international agreements and respecting human rights [...]
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Announcing EURA/EPCR Summer School !

The 2022 edition will be held in Madrid under the topic of Rural and Urban in Local Government and Politics. The global phenomena of urbanisation, on the one hand, and of depopulation of rural areas on the other [...]
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EURA 2022 – Deadlines reminder

EURA 2022 Deadline reminder! Panels proposals submission deadline 25th February and abstract submission deadline 1st March 2022.
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EURA 2023 – Call for a host

The EURA President and Board invites expressions of Interest from Universities, Research Centres and Research Institutes who would be interested in organising and hosting the EURA annual conference in 2023. A formal proposal for the year 2023 should be submitted by 31 March 2022 to the secretariat.
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CURA Conference 2022 – Call for papers

The Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (CURA) welcomes submissions for our forthcoming three-day on-line conference: Towards the “Post-Pandemic” City?
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HSS-EIZG Post-conference Report

“Opportunity or threat? Reform of local and regional self-government in Croatia” was the title of the conference organised by Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung and the Institute of Economics, Zagreb on 27 and 28 October 2021 in Zagreb.
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EURA 2022 – Announcement

The 2022 EURA Conference aims to promote critical reflection on the various processes of fragilization, which are stressing places and people, particularly in Europe, evidently tightly related to the global transition that the world is experiencing.