AESOP Congress – EURA

AESOP Congress


AESOP 2024 Annual Congress

The Paris Congress will examine a key question at the heart of the multiple ongoing transitions: what exactly constitutes a game changer? For over a century, European urban planning has depended heavily on publicly-driven land urbanization, particularly during urban expansion periods. Moving towards an entrepreneurial approach has brought about a fresh balance between the public sphere and market actors in recent decades. The Call for Abstracts is Open!

AESOP Annual Congress 2018

This event will offer the opportunity for scholars from Europe, as well as from around the world, to contribute to the exchange of experiences, ideas and […]

Extended deadline – 2017 AESOP Congress in Lisbon

There is an extended deadline for submitting the abstracts for the 2017 AESOP Congress in Lisbon. Spaces of dialog for places of dignity: Fostering the European […]

Call for Abstracts – 2017 AESOP Congress in Lisbon

Spaces of dialog for places of dignity: Fostering the European Dimension of Planning invites and encourages AESOP community to submit abstracts.Themes are for example Planning theory […]

Correction: EURA Roundtable at AESOP Congress in Prague

Correction: In the last newsletter that was sent out to members, it was stated that the EURA Roundtable entitled Creating policy spaces for innovation would be […]