Working group – EURA

Working group


Urban Regeneration Talk #6, France

On February 6, 15:00 the sixth online meeting of "Regeneration Talks". This is the sixth event of the EURA activity that is launched in the context of the Working Group on Urban Regeneration. Sixth appointment will focus on the French case and focus on the shift from "banlieues" to small and medium sized towns [...]

EURA Working Group on Municipal Councillors – News December 2024

The working group met in Olomouc in the Czechia on November 22 and 23 2024 for a workshop which took place at the Palacký University. During the event it was possible to clarify final questions regarding the generation of the common data set resulting from the survey of municipal councillors and to discuss contributions to the two-volume joint-publication to be published by Palgrave Macmillan [...]

Urban Regeneration Talk #5, Poland

On November 19, 15:00 the fifth online meeting of "Regeneration Talks". This is the fifth event of the EURA activity that is launched in the context of the Working Group on Urban Regeneration. Fifth appointment will focus on the Polish case [...]

#66 Renewing Urban Renewal

Duisburg Urban Zero is the title of an urban regeneration project currently implemented in the neighbourhood of Duisburg-Ruhrort. The goal of this initiative is to create a pollution free neighbourhood by 2029. This includes the installation of renewable energy facilities, implementing the circular economy of land and green infrastructure and happens in the context of a post-industrial city being the biggest inner harbour in Europe ...

EURA Working Group on Municipal Councillors – News June 2024

The EURA working group on “Municipal Councillors in Europe” has finished the survey on municipal councillors in Europe by the end of May 2024. The survey covered councillors from 29 European countries. [...]

EURA Working Group on Recentralisation – News June 2024

Latest news from the EURA Working Group on “Recentralisation in countries experiencing an ‘illiberal turn’”. The working group had a first workshop at the Central European University in Budapest on 18 and 19 April. [...]

Urban Regeneration Talk #4, Italy

On June 6, 16:00 the fourth online meeting of "Regeneration Talks". This is the third event of the EURA activity that is launched in the context of the Working Group on Urban Regeneration. Fourth appointment focuses on the Italian case and will have the participation of Ignazio Vinci, Carla Tedesco, Stefania Marini, Francesca Bragaglia and Cristiana Rossignolo [...]

Urban Regeneration Talk #3, Ireland

On April 3, 16:00 the second online meeting of "Regeneration Talks". This is the third event of the EURA activity that is launched in the context of the Working Group on Urban Regeneration. Third appointment will focus on the Irish case [...]

EURA Working Group on Recentralisation – Call for membership

New EURA Working Group on “Recentralisation in countries experiencing an ‘illiberal turn’” is looking for members! The proposed EURA working group should focused on recentralization in these countries experiencing an ‘illiberal turn’. We see recentralization in these countries as an element in a struggle over power, and examine conflictual situations – those that challenge the core of democratic systems. Please sent an expression of interest to Hubert Heinelt by the 31st of March 2024. [...]

Urban Regeneration Talk #2, Spain – New date

New date for the second online meeting of "Regeneration Talks": 8th February 2024 (16:00 CET). This is the second event of the EURA activity that is launched in the context of the Working Group on Urban Regeneration. Second appointment will focus on the Spanish case [...]

Urban Regeneration Talk #2, Spain

On December 14, 16:00 the second online meeting of "Regeneration Talks". This is the second event of the EURA activity that is launched in the context of the Working Group on Urban Regeneration. Second appointment will focus on the Spanish case [...]

Urban Regeneration Talk #01, Germany

On October 16, 16:00 the online series "Regeneration Talks" will start. This is the first event of a new EURA activity that is launched in the context of the Working Group on Urban Regeneration. Contributions in this series will focus on the practice of urban regeneration in different countries. We will start with Germany [...]

EURA WG on Urban Regeneration – Launch meeting

On Wednesday 17 May 2023 took place the kick-off online meeting of the EURA Working Group on Urban Regeneration. During the event, the working group members were given the opportunity to get to know each other and discuss what emerging topics could be dealt with. Participants are both EURA members and scholars new to the association, to whom EURA wishes a warm welcome!


New EURA Working Groups

We are glad to announce the launch of two new EURA Working Groups! «Municipal Councillors in Europe» and «Urban Regeneration». Browse our website to find out more about the goals and members that will take part of the working groups. If you happen to have an idea for a working group, we remind you that we have an open call for new proposals! For more information contact the EURA secretariat.

New book – A Modern Guide to National Urban Policies in Europe

Edited by Karsten Zimmermann, Faculty of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University, Germany and Valeria Fedeli, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, DAStU-Politecnico di Milano, Italy Written […]

A new book: Close Ties in European Local Governance – Linking Local State and Society

As a first result of the EURA Working Group on Local State-Society Relation in Europe a book on ‘Close Ties in European Local Governance. Linking Local […]