Meeting – EURA


Valeria Fedeli Photo for Post

#34 Meeting places and people

During the last year and a half, I have been sitting on my chair, in front of a tiny table, spending entire days speaking through my pc to colleagues from all over Italy and Europe. Despite the lockdown, and the terrible uncertainty and sorrow of the last months, I never really felt alone: a 5-year-old child at home and full days of online meetings, seminars and conferences left little space for loneliness. ...

UR&P Journal – Editorial Team Meeting, Budapest

The editors of UR&P met in Budapest for a productive meeting on May 20th. During the event the editors reviewed the journal's publishing report of 2023 that revealed an overall increase in downloads, an improvement on processing times, an increase in number of papers published in Open Access and a better impact factor. EURA and the UR&P Editorial board are grateful to Iván Tosics and the Metropolitan Research Institute for hosting the activity.