Marichela Sepe – EURA

Marichela Sepe

Marichela Sepe Photo for post

#6 Healthy public spaces

The 2020 public health emergency has interested the whole word and, although in different manner and measure, changed habits and use by people of places and cities. In many countries public spaces became completely empty and new urban landscapes have substituted for the previous one, transforming the private into public. Houses and balconies were – and still are – used as work and study spaces, breaking down ...
13 INU Study Day CALL Thumbnail

13th INU Study Day – Call for Papers

The INU Study Day intends to tackle these issues by capturing not only emergencies, risks, challenges, transitions, but also, in perspective - beyond the future in fact -, opportunities. To discuss these issues, the Study Day organises parallel sessions, special sessions, round tables, a poster exhibition and a plenary session with international keynote speakers and a final round table with INU experts.