post-Covid – EURA


Robin Hambleton Photo for Post 2

#11 Empowering place

Previous contributors to EURA Conversations have drawn attention to the importance of place and place-based action in responding to the Covid-19 calamity. For example, Paula Russell in Conversation 7 surmised that the impressive efforts of local self-organising community groups in Ireland could be generating a new sense of commitment to place. In Conversation 3 Filipe Teles highlights the value of place-based...

#30 Beyond the post-Covid narrative

In May 2020 we started EURA Conversations with the aim of stimulating a critical debate on the future of cities during one of the hardest challenges experienced by urban communities for decades: the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, 26 scholars from across the globe have contributed a wide range of personal views on how cities were ...

#32 Teaching after Covid: were any lessons learned?

In EURA Conversation 17 I asked if teaching had been remembered in the Covid period. The indication was students were remembered but the staff and their teaching had been forgotten. Twelve months on, and it may still be too early, I ask if any lessons have been learned. The clamour from students and politicians, is to get students back into classro...
Robin Hambleton Photo for Post 2

#44 Successful public protest

The COVID-19 lockdowns reminded us of the important contribution that public space makes to the quality of life in cities. Several contributors to this series—for example, Isabelle Bray and Dannielle Sinnett—explain how public space improves our health and wellbeing. It is also the case that squares, parks, and civic spaces, because they provide settings for public protest, play a vital role in supporting urb...
Fabio Naselli Photo for Post

#45 Tirana Next City

Tirana is the Capital City of Albania (around 800,000 inhabitants in 2020) and it is considered the youngest European Capital, coming out from the former Socialist block only after 1992. Right after the fall of the strict Hoxha regime, the city has started experiencing a double path of its urban transition. On one hand, the social-economical path raised out by retaking back full freedom of choice; on the othe...