Affordable housing – EURA

Affordable housing


“Bridging the Rent Gap” Online Seri

You are cordially invited to the first session of the online lecture series, "Bridging the Rent Gap." Based on the latest TESG special issue, these lectures aim to generate new insights into applying the rent gap and land rent theories in various world contexts. We will start with Dr. Joon Park's (International School of Urban Sciences, University of Seoul) lecture on Marxian perspectives on land rents in housing submarkets.

#56 The affordable housing crisis: insights from a post-socialist city

Providing affordable housing has emerged as a major challenge for cities across the world. In the USA, a physical lack of affordable housing units in front of the stage. In Europe, the rising costs of housing, combined with a shortage of affordable housing units, means that cities across the continent now face a major housing crisis. ...