France – EURA



AESOP 2024 Annual Congress

The Paris Congress will examine a key question at the heart of the multiple ongoing transitions: what exactly constitutes a game changer? For over a century, European urban planning has depended heavily on publicly-driven land urbanization, particularly during urban expansion periods. Moving towards an entrepreneurial approach has brought about a fresh balance between the public sphere and market actors in recent decades. The Call for Abstracts is Open!
Photo of Jessica Brandler for Blog Post

#40 Working class neighbourhoods

When the first lockdown was imposed in France, we launched an action research project, on the effects of Covid-19 on working-class neighbourhoods in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region (SCIVIQ project). In the ethnography conducted in a commune in the suburbs of Bordeaux, we found that the experience of the pandemic and of government health measures are linked to the relationships that the inhabitants have with th....
Photo of Gilles Pinson for Blog Post

#39 Metropolization

In recent years, in France, the notion of metropolization has migrated from the academic vocabulary to the political debate. The term is most often used in a pejorative way to designate a set of territorial upheavals deemed harmful: the concentration of populations and activities in the largest cities, the progressive decline of small [...]