The paper titled "Assessing Children’s Perception of Public Space Adjacent to Schools in Lombardy, Italy" by Dafni Riga & Federica Bianchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) won the EURA 2023 Emerging Scholar Award. Congratulations once again to the winners and Thank you to all PhD and emerging Researchers who submitted papers.
The paper titled "The Effect of Tourism Activity on Housing Affordability" by Josip Mikulić, Maruška Vizek, Nebojša Stojčić, James E. Payne, Anita Čeh Časni & Tajana Barbić, won the EURA 2023 Best Conference Paper Award. Congratulations once again to the winners and Thank you to those who submitted papers.
EURA 2023, a glance at the event in the words of the event chair Eva Marín Hlynsdóttir. With less than a month to go before the start of EURA annual conference, we invite you to read the EURA Conversation blogpost dedicated to the event.
As usually happens in EURA conferences, during the first day of EURA 2023 (Thursday afternoon, 22 June), all attendees will have the chance to establish direct contact with some of the interesting urban challenges taking place in Reykjavík. The local organising team has come up with twelve mobile workshop which participants may choose from. Stay alert for the workshop registration dates and for more detailed information: EURA 2023 website
The countdown is on to the start of EURA 2023 conference! The final timetable of the parallel sessions will be announced after 1 June. If you wish to make any changes, please get in contact with the organisers before that date. Registration to the walkshops will open soon. For more detailed information: EURA 2023 website
On Wednesday 17 May 2023 took place the kick-off online meeting of the EURA Working Group on Urban Regeneration. During the event, the working group members were given the opportunity to get to know each other and discuss what emerging topics could be dealt with. Participants are both EURA members and scholars new to the association, to whom EURA wishes a warm welcome!
EURA 2023 deadline for paper submission is approaching: 1st June 2023. Paper submission is optional and only for those who want to apply for the "Best Paper" or "Emerging Scholar" awards. More information about the prizes and the conference: EURA 2023 website
EURA 2023 late registration deadline is approaching: 1st May 2023. This is also the last day of refunds for cancellation. If for any reason you have already decided that you are not attending the conference and would like to withdraw your abstract, please let us know as this will help us speed up the organization of panels.
EURA 2023 keynote speaker: Matthew Carmona. Title of the talk: "Urban design governance and the softest of soft powers". Matthew Carmona is Professor of Planning and Urban Design at The Bartlett, UCL
EURA 2023 keynote speaker: Tina Saaby. Title of the talk: "To shape cities for and with people". Tina Saaby is the Director of The Danish Town Planning Institute and the previous city architect of Gladsaxe Municipality and former city architect of Copenhagen Municipality