News – Page 4 – EURA



Urban Research & Practice – Volume 16, Issue 3

Second 2023 issue of the EURA journal Urban Research & Practice has just been published. Now available Volume 16, Issue 3, August 2023. Read more and browse the EURA journal! Consider publishing with us by submitting an article! Visit Taylor & Francis Online.

2024 ICUA – Call for Participation

The 2024 International Conference on Urban Affairs is sponsored by the Urban Affairs Association in collaboration with the European Network for Housing Regeneration and the European Urban Research Association. The call for participation is open until October 1, 2023. See you in New York from the 24 to the 27 April! More details can be found on the conference dedicated website.

EURA 2023 – Acknowledgment

EURA would like to thank the University of Iceland and the Reykjavík City for organising and sponsoring the annual EURA conference. Special thanks goes to the Chair of the conference Prof. Eva Marín Hlynsdóttir, the organizing committee and the whole Reykavík team. Our special word of gratitude goes to the two key note speakers, to all staff involved in the organisation of the Mobile Workshops, as well as all panelists, track chairs and discussants.
Winner of the EURA 2023 Emerging Scholar Award during the ceremony

EURA 2023 – Emerging Scholar Award

The paper titled "Assessing Children’s Perception of Public Space Adjacent to Schools in Lombardy, Italy" by Dafni Riga & Federica Bianchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) won the EURA 2023 Emerging Scholar Award. Congratulations once again to the winners and Thank you to all PhD and emerging Researchers who submitted papers.


EURA 2023 – Best Paper Award

The paper titled "The Effect of Tourism Activity on Housing Affordability" by Josip Mikulić, Maruška Vizek, Nebojša Stojčić, James E. Payne, Anita Čeh Časni & Tajana Barbić, won the EURA 2023 Best Conference Paper Award. Congratulations once again to the winners and Thank you to those who submitted papers.


EURA 2023 – A glance at the event

EURA 2023, a glance at the event in the words of the event chair Eva Marín Hlynsdóttir. With less than a month to go before the start of EURA annual conference, we invite you to read the EURA Conversation blogpost dedicated to the event.


EURA 2023 – Mobile workshops themes

As usually happens in EURA conferences, during the first day of EURA 2023 (Thursday afternoon, 22 June), all attendees will have the chance to establish direct contact with some of the interesting urban challenges taking place in Reykjavík. The local organising team has come up with twelve mobile workshop which participants may choose from. Stay alert for the workshop registration dates and for more detailed information: EURA 2023 website


UR&P Journal – Editorial Team Meeting, Budapest

The editors of UR&P met in Budapest for a productive meeting on May 20th. During the event the editors reviewed the journal's publishing report of 2023 that revealed an overall increase in downloads, an improvement on processing times, an increase in number of papers published in Open Access and a better impact factor. EURA and the UR&P Editorial board are grateful to Iván Tosics and the Metropolitan Research Institute for hosting the activity.

EURA 2023 – Final countdown!

The countdown is on to the start of EURA 2023 conference! The final timetable of the parallel sessions will be announced after 1 June. If you wish to make any changes, please get in contact with the organisers before that date. Registration to the walkshops will open soon. For more detailed information: EURA 2023 website


EURA WG on Urban Regeneration – Launch meeting

On Wednesday 17 May 2023 took place the kick-off online meeting of the EURA Working Group on Urban Regeneration. During the event, the working group members were given the opportunity to get to know each other and discuss what emerging topics could be dealt with. Participants are both EURA members and scholars new to the association, to whom EURA wishes a warm welcome!


EURA 2023 – Deadline for paper submission

EURA 2023 deadline for paper submission is approaching: 1st June 2023. Paper submission is optional and only for those who want to apply for the "Best Paper" or "Emerging Scholar" awards. More information about the prizes and the conference: EURA 2023 website


EURA 2023 – Late registration is closing soon

EURA 2023 late registration deadline is approaching: 1st May 2023. This is also the last day of refunds for cancellation. If for any reason you have already decided that you are not attending the conference and would like to withdraw your abstract, please let us know as this will help us speed up the organization of panels.


New EURA Working Groups

We are glad to announce the launch of two new EURA Working Groups! «Municipal Councillors in Europe» and «Urban Regeneration». Browse our website to find out more about the goals and members that will take part of the working groups. If you happen to have an idea for a working group, we remind you that we have an open call for new proposals! For more information contact the EURA secretariat.

Urban Research & Practice – Volume 16, Issue 2

Second 2023 issue of the EURA journal Urban Research & Practice has just been published. Now available Volume 16, Issue 2, June 2023. Read more and browse the EURA journal! Consider publishing with us by submitting an article! Visit Taylor & Francis Online.

EURA 2023 – Keynote speaker: Matthew Carmona

EURA 2023 keynote speaker: Matthew Carmona. Title of the talk: "Urban design governance and the softest of soft powers". Matthew Carmona is Professor of Planning and Urban Design at The Bartlett, UCL


EURA 2023 – Keynote speaker: Tina Saaby

EURA 2023 keynote speaker: Tina Saaby. Title of the talk: "To shape cities for and with people". Tina Saaby is the Director of The Danish Town Planning Institute and the previous city architect of Gladsaxe Municipality and former city architect of Copenhagen Municipality


IFHP Summer School 2023 – Call for applications

The IFHP Urban Planning and Design Summer School is based on an intensive workshop that includes hands-on collaboration with diverse actors, such as professional designers and planners, stakeholders, and activists. This year, the workshop is organized in Pori, a coastal city in southwestern Finland.

IGU CDES 2023 Conference – Call for papers

The IGU CDES 2023 Conference will take place at Bern, Switzerland between 13-15 September 2023. The topic is «Rethinking the Economic Geography of Smaller Urban Places: Transformation and Well-Being in Small and Medium-Sized Towns» and the call for papers is open until 15 May 2023. The event is organised by the Institute of Geography & Center for Regional Economic Development, University of Bern, Switzerland and the Anton Melik Geographical Institute, ZRC SAZU, Slovenia (EURA Institutional Member).